Saturday, May 2, 2009

Perfrctly Imperfect



I was attending some kind of a Yoga, Meditation silent course a few days ago, it was one of the best experiences I've ever been through. They teach you how to accept your life in order to be able to handle things the right way, and how acceptance is the first step to solving problems. If you don't accept the fact that you have a problem how would you be able to find solutions!
Anyhow, this isn't what I wanted to talk about. One of the most beautiful things that the teacher told me when I was talking to her, telling that I am a happy person, I live my day, accept the ups and downs in life and all the good stuff I think I have in my MODEST personality. She was looking at me and smiling. It was obvious that she was impressed (and I don't deny it that I love the feeling of impressing people) I kept talking and talking and I finally said the cliche people always say after talking about all the good things in them; "Sure I know I am not perfect, no one is!" . Usually saying that is a relief for the person in front of you, you can see it in their eyes. But she surprised me saying, No, everyone is perfect in their own way.
Of course I was ashamed of myself at that moment, I was complimenting myself for like 15 minutes to someone who thought we are all perfect. She said, perfection is loving and accepting our imperfection perfectly.
If we could just see ourselves in that way! We always think of perfection as complete, error-less, beautiful.. etc. And that's why we are never satisfied with ourselves (of course it varies from person to another); While we can have lots of defaus and accept ourselves perfectly 'cause this is how we've been made, Perfectly Imperfect :)
PS: Is defau a real word, or did I just made it up?

Posted via email from manal's posterous

1 comment:

Khouloud said...

I'm so taking the course this summer inshallah! and it's défaut, so yes it is a real word, you didn't make it up, you just spelled it wrong kal3adeh :p