Sunday, September 30, 2007

First Paycheck

Today was my first paycheck! First time I earn my own money :D

I've been working for two weeks now and I didn't think of my salary, I even forgot that today is the last day of the month and that I will receive my first paycheck, when the manager gave it to me I was like yaaaaaay yaaaaaay.

Actually its not much, not much at all! My salary isn't high and I only received half of it lol.. but still it felt great to make my own money for the first time in my life!! OK now I'm repeating myself hehehehe..

I just felt like sharing it with the world :D I'll be back with more details about my new job and how much I love it despite the fact that I'm a picky person oo fesh eshy be3jbny :D.

will be back in few days.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A friend of your mind

"She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind."

I was studying for my exam tomorrow, and as always; when there is an exam I find like a thousand things to do and a million sites to surf on the net.
Anyhow I came across this saying by someone who I don't really recognize, I even forgot to copy his name, and when I noticed that the page was already closed. So just for the sake of copy rights laws; THIS ISN'T SAID BY ME.
I've never thought of having a friend of my mind, when I first read this quote I was a little bit confused with the term. Can we have Mind friends?! and from the opposite sex?! I guess he is such a lucky man to find such a girl.
They say Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - I believe I'm from Jupiter lol - , that is men are Martians which is weird, but women are Venusian which is weirder!! Maybe Men can't understand Women but can understand themselves. Women can't understand Men, other Women, nor themselves.
So finding a girl/guy who not only understands you; but also understands your mind is a real blessing.
The best part of the saying above - which also happens to be soooo romantic - is when he said that she gathers his pieces and gives them back to him in the right order. It's like being his mentor, his guardian angel, his best match. I wonder if such a match can happen to anyone, or is it a phenomena!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Employee orientation


1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.
2. Put your new hires in the room and close the door.
3. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours, then analyze the situation:
- If they're counting the bricks, put them in the AccountingDepartment.
- If they're recounting them, put them in Auditing.
- If they've messed up the whole place with the bricks, put them in Engineering.
- If they're arranging the bricks in some strange order, put them in Planning.
- If they're throwing the bricks at each other, put them in Operations.
- If some of the bricks are missing, put them in Logistics.
- If they've broken the bricks into pieces, put them in Information Technology.
- If they're sitting idle, put them in Human Resources.
- If they are looking for more, put them in Sales.
- If they've already left for the day, put them in Marketing.
- If they're staring out of the window, put them in Strategic Planning.
- If they're talking to each other, and not a single brick has been moved, congratulate them and put them in Top Management.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Choosing the major of my concentration

I started my MBA in July 2006 , at that time I thought I should concentrate on MIS, I took a couple of courses and then changed my mind and decided to go for general MBA.

Last quarter I took "International Marketing" course, and liked it a lot, and thought to myself that it's a new major and not so many ppl has it so I should go for it. So I went to the admission and changed my concentration to "International Business", but I got a B in that course coz I have a huge problem in memorizing stuff.

This quarter I am taking "International Corporate Finance" and I'm loving, I figured out that I love finance and I'm so good at it. I get it easily and enjoy it. Actually I knew that about myself when I took the "Financial Management" course, but I was told that I shouldn't depend on that coz I took that course with an American Prof. and they told me he was easy on us.

Bottom line: I have no idea what to do :D
Shall I go for International Business which will get me good job opportunities according to the face that it's a new Major in Jordan. Or shall I go for Finance which I really love and easily get, and will also get me relatively good opportunities but unlike the International Business.

Hoffft I'm confused :S

Monday, July 16, 2007

In love with cars

Cars are my passion, I just love them. I enjoy talking about them, reading about them, driving them, even looking at them. I can spend hours and hours discussing cars issues and I never get bored. My biggest joy was when I wanted to buy a car and went looking for one, I had to go alone at the end coz all my friends got really boerd and refused to go with me. It's in my blood. I loooove cars, I just wish they were a little bit cheaper so I can get dozens on my birthday :D.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Full of Happy Thoughts

There is this cool application on facebook that let ppl post their Honest Anonymous Opinions of you, without you knowing who they are.

Thank God I didn't get any disturbing comments so far, it's either that I am so nice and cute that ppl don't have anything but nice things to say to me lol, or that they don't trust this application and are afraid that one day their names will appear and they don't want that to happen so they just post nice things.

It gives you a blue highlighted text if it's a male and a pink one if it's a female.

Today I got the longest blue highlighted comment ever, and guess what?!?! It was about my blog.

This friend seemed really happy that he can deliver his comment anonymously, I have no idea why hehehe..

He said that he enjoyed reading what I wrote but he felt that I have this negative attitude in my writings.

Well, he is right, and I admitted that in my last post.

But I have a disclaimer to make regarding this issue; I have a very optimistic and positive attitude in life, especially the last couple of months :D I just come here when I feel down. It's only that I don't write when I'm feeling good, I donno why! I just don't.

If I was to write about the beautiful things in my life I would've written around 4 posts a day; coz life is full of beautiful things, and I'd rather enjoy these wonderful moments instead of writing about them.

Anyhow, for you my mysterious friend I will start writing nice and full of life posts. I will start to talk about my happiness as much as I talk about the ugly things in my life. I just wish that my words wont fail me.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It's been a while since I last wrote anything in here. There is some weird connection between me and my blog, I only come here when I feel down, frustrated, depressed, pissed off, or mad at everything and everyone.
I go through people's blogs and I find them talking about politics, science, social issues, and many other useful things. But I donno why I don't write about any of these subjects.
It's not that these issues don't interest me, but the thing is that I express myself better in speaking than writing. I suck in writing my thoughts down. No mater how much I try; I just suck!
If I was to write about the things that happen to me through out my day, or the thoughts that come to my mind I would have my blog full of interesting posts, and I guess it would be a popular blog lol.
eeeh anyways, I am writing this because I came across a blog that belongs to a sweet girl I know from Uni, I read many of her posts before but didn't know who she was until few days ago, which made me think how small the world is; that you can find people you know everywhere you go even through blogs. How sweet is that :D

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Chewing Gum

I just hate the sound of it. Nth gets on my nerves more than anything else when people chew gum with their mouth open :rant: Grrrrrrrrrrr I feel like hitting them in the face. But I can't say anything it would be so rude!

Just a little thought i felt like letting off my chest.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Men VS. Women

These are some interesting funny Quotes said about Men & Women:

  • Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women.

  • Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.

  • Part of the reason that men seem so much less loving than women is that men's behavior is measured with a feminine ruler.

  • When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute. (LoooL that's really funny)

  • The old theory was "Marry an older man, because they're more mature." But the new theory is: "Men don't mature. Marry a younger one."

  • If they can put one man on the moon why can't they put them all there? (Seriously, why? lol)
  • What's with you men? Would hair stop growing on your chest if you asked directions somewhere?

  • Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn't always go with everything else in the house.


  • Women like silent men. They think they're listening.

  • Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
  • Women get the last word in every argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. (Ain't that true? hehehe)

  • They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken. (LooooooL)

  • If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.

  • Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women.
  • There are women who do not like to cause suffering to many men at a time, and who prefer to concentrate on one man: These are the faithful women.

  • Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.

And the best one is: "Men feel that women somehow drag them down, and women feel that way about men. It's possible that both are right. "

Feminine, In a different way

I've been raised in a family that consists of four boys and one girl; ME.
People always used to - and still - ask me "don't you wish sometimes you had a sister to play with, to talk to!" But I honestly never got that feeling! not even once in my life.

And although my brothers are older than me - the youngest before me is six years older than I am - but I've always enjoyed my life with them.

Mom used to get me lots of dolls and barbies; but I never ever played with them, and when I did; I used to use my barbies as wrestlers when my brothers wouldn't let me play with theirs.

In my childhood days we lived in a building with six apartments; There was Abu Ashraf who had 3 sons. Abu Ziad, 3 sons. Abu Maher, 5 sons. 3ammo Abdelqader, 2 sons and 2 daughters (who were more than 10 years older than me). And then the neighbors next door who were two old couple living by themselves. Not even that I didn't have sisters; but I didn't have any female neighbors.

I grew older and I started having some female friends, but it took me sometime to understand them. Or actually I didn't! No one can ever get females! we are sooooo complicated! I doubt that any female can understand herself! But I could at least find a way to deal with them.

When guys start joking about females I crack up, especially when they talk about their way in driving cars! OMG women suck with cars! whenever I see a car doing something stupid; I know for sure it's a female. And I'm always right.

I was called anti-feminist before; and honestly I am. I don't believe in equality between women and men. It's soooo ridiculous. I mean I do think that women should get all their rights. They should be treated with respect, have the chance to get a decent well-payed job, and stuff like that. But being equal to men is just a headache for both; men and women.

What I am trying to say here is that I've always had this struggle between males and females mentalities! I am a perfect female when it comes to nagging and making up fights out of nothing, but I feel with men when I act like that with them! Poor men!

I am very feminine when it comes to love and romance, but I can understand how it can b frustrating to men. I do believe that there are many intellectual females, but I also believe that at some points we can be so lame!

Despite all that, I love being a female, I really do with all my heart. We are kind, delicate, caring, loving, romantic, socially smart, and most of all men can't live without us.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I was out with a group of friends yesterday and I was in a really bad mood, apparently it showed!

One of my friends started talking to me; she seems to have a special gift that she can somehow read people; I don't usually take these talks seriously, coz I don't really believe that anyone can read other people's minds or personalities.

But I was really impressed with the things she has said! I was totally shocked that she could read me that easily! Is it that she is sooo good in that, or am I so easy to be read like an open book.

"You act like you fully trust people; but deep inside you don't, you are too afraid to trust anyone cause you've been through bad experiences." OMG, that is sooo true, although I deny it!I really want to trust people, but she is right, deep inside I can't! But I keep on giving people chances, which makes it harder for me. I don't block people; but yet I don't fully trust them.

"You are lost and indecisive." well I guess that is written on my forehead. I am totally lost, my life is a mess. I've always known what I want to do in my life, I've always been in control of everything. But not anymore, and it's killing me.

"You have a broken heart, but you can't stay this way, you need a CLOSURE. or else you won't ever get married." That was the hardest thing I heard last night! I always act like everything is OK. Whenever I get hurt I just turn the page over and move on; or do I? It seems I never move on, I just put things on the shelf. I might not think of them, but they are still there causing me heartache all the time without realising it.

I was out of words last night, she shocked me with a truth I never wanted to believe. How sad is that! I donno if I'm going to turn over the pages again and again, or will I have the courage to close all the past pages in my life that need to be closed!

Friday, May 18, 2007


هاد الموضوع معصبني و ضارب على عصبي أول إشي بنرفز من الأسلوب تبع النسوان اللي بتيجي بدها تفحص قبل ما ييجي ابنها المصون، صارت امي تحكيلهم من اولها ييجي الشاب معهم! طبعا في ناس ما بترد ما أسوء هاد الأسلوب! يوجولي لما تيجي الأم لحالها ما بيرجعو! شكلي ما بعجب النسوان بكونو ارتاحو و ريحو صراحة! ما بتدايق بشلن.. لما ييجي الشاب بالعادة بيرجعو بيحكو!! أنا سو فار يعني ما حدا من الي إجوني بهاي الطريقة عجبني.. فلما يحكو و ماما تحكيلهم ما في نصيب ذي جيت أوفينديد !! إنه كيف ترفضي إبننا الوردة! طيب يعني بالله لما ما يرجع هو لبنت مش بكون عم يرفض بنتنا الوردة!! كل الموضوع هاد بفقع المرارة و بزهق و بطلغ الروح أففففففتتتت بحكي لأمي خلص يا ماما ما بدي حدا ييجي، بتحاول الحزينة لما يحكو معها تحكيلهم منال بدها تخلص دراستها هلأ مو مفكرة تتجوز! بيحرجوها و بحكولها طيب عالقليل بنيجي بنكسب معرفتكم، طبعا أمي ؛للي ما بعرفها فهي كتير هادية و رايقة و ما بتعرف تكسف نملة؛ فبتحكيلهم أهلا و سهلا
صرلنا 3-4 سنين على هالحال إشي بفرفط الروح
خلصت فضفضة، أشكر لكم حسن استماعكم

Friday, April 13, 2007


It's been a while since i wrote anything here! It's not that I'm busy or anything! (well, honestly I'm very busy these days, but that's not the reason :D ) , it's just that I dont feel like writting , or even expressing myself! I donno what's the matter with me! I'm becoming cold-hearted! I've always been a warm and kind person, and even passionate in some issues! but I'm not that kind of person anymore!

I cant say I'm depressed, coz I'm not.. bel 3ax I'm kind of happy :D and I'm loving the way I am living my life now! I don't care for people anymore, or let me rephrase it, I don't care for everyone! only for those who really love me. and NOT the ones who claim that they do! Life is much easier this way! I used to care for everyone and everything, but I just think that its not worth it.. Haik el 7aya ajmal :D

Or maybe it's just a phase I'm going through! Eh, I don't really care to know! All I care for is that I'm really enjoying it :D

Friday, March 23, 2007

3ala Rasi

Here is a link for a jordanian Cartoon site. It's hillarious :D Hope you enjoy it.
3ala Rasi

Monday, March 19, 2007

الغنى الفاحش و الفقر المطقع

منظر بشوفه دائما بيخليني أتعجب من الأوضاع اللي الناس فيها هالأيام
بتكون واقف على إشارات عباد الرحمن بتصف جنبك سيارة إس كلاس موديل السنة حقها لا يقل عن 100000 دينار
و فيها شاب إذا مش من عمري فأصغر مني! و جاعص الجعصة ما غيرها و يا أرض اشتدي ما حدا قدي، (للعلم اي آم نوت جينيراليزينغ لأنه إن خليت بليت) . المهم، بيجي الشحاد المعتر، طبعا الشحدة صنعة و مش أي حدة بعرف يحزنك على حاله لأنه لازم يكون يتيم و أبوه متزوج 3 و إمه عندها مرض مزمن و إخوانه السبعة عندهم بهاق
ما بتلاقي غير هالشحاد زت حاله على أزاز السيارة "يا عمي الله يجبر بخاطرك، الله يجوزك اللي في بالك، الله يبعتلك همر (عأساس إنه مفكرها أفخم ) " أنا شخصيا نفسي أعرف من وين بطلع معه كل هالدعاوي! زي اللي حافظ الدرس و بسمع
ما علينا! طبعا ابن الطبقة المخملية ما بعرف إذا ما بده يعطيه مصاري إنه يسكت! لأ لازم يفتح الشباك و يغرد! بشرشح أبوه و سته و عمات ابن خالة إمه. و لازم نظرة القرف تكون تعلو سنحته البهية
طبعا الشحاد بيقلب الكاسيت عالوجه التاني و بتصير بدل ما ربنا يبعتلك همر؛ربنا يهورك بأقرب وادي
ربنا بيرحم و بتفتح الإشارة، الإس كلاس بيشعط و بطلع عني لأنه معصب ما حدش يحكي معه، و هداك بشوفه بالمراية بشوبر بإيديه و حالته حالة. مع وجود ابتسامة خفية على وجه التنين
السؤال بيطرح نفسه في هذه الحالة، هل سبب غطرسة صاحب الإس كلاس هو غناه (أو بالأحرى غنى أبوه) أم انه إنسان مفكر حاله أحسن لمجرد إنه ربنا أعطاه و اتطورت الأمور عنده و استفحلت لمرض نفسي عضال يصعب الشفاء منه
و هل سبب إهدار الكرامة و الإستجداء و مد الإيد للناس بذل و الكذب و سوء الأخلاق عند الشحاد سببه الفقر الشديد اللي من لما فتح عينيه عايش فيه؟
مع إني أشك إنه هاي هي الأسباب! بس مش قادرة أوصل للدافع الحقيقي للغطرسة ، و مش قادرة أتخيل الوجع النفسي للذل
الله لا يبتلينا لا بفقر مذل و لا غنى متعالي

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Oh My God

I'm feeling just weird!! you know the feeling when sth happens at night! and you wake up next morning not realising what happened, like it was just a dream. Like nth really happened and you were just hallucinating . Then everything start coming together. You put all the pieces together and you figure out that it really happened. You start laughing for no reason that everyone around you think you are going insane. "OMG what have I done" is what you keep saying to yourself. Acting as if you didn't want it to happen , and deep inside you're giggling :D

OK , I think I have to stop here..

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Yesterday I went to Maccadi Nahas's concert, which I really enjoyed every minute of it. Her angelic voice, the great music, and the wonderful songs.
Natalie for Hussam Tahseen Baik , was one of the great songs she did. I heard the song in Husaam Tahseen Baik's voice. But it had a different taste in Maccadi's voice.I felt like dancing to the wonderful rhythm. It's about a guy who fell in love in a foreigner, who was ofcourse from a different nationality and a different religion. He went to a بصارة ;as he called her; and she told him that there is no chance to be with her.
In spite of that, he is now married to Natalie :)
Here are the song's words:

نتالي.. انقطعت اخبارا و ما تشوفا عين

نتالي.. بعيدة أسفارا قالوا بلادا فين

يا مين ياخدني لدارا تبوس منها الجبين

نتالي..نتالي.. نا تا لييييي

رحت أنا .. رحت بصارة قالت برجك فين

برجي بالسما و معلق بنجمة

قالت يا خسارة

هونيك فوق بالمدارة ما يلتقو نجمين

نتالي..نتالي..نا تا ليييي

حظي بالهوا أعشق أنا الغريبة

و ما ينفعني دوا إلا عناق الحبيبة

و صبر قلبي سنة و ما يزيدها يومين


وجه القمر ليها بتظوي كل دارا

لو يرجع نهارا و اصطبح بيها

عيونا من نارا تحسبا شمسين

EDIT: If you want a pic and a short vedio for the concert visit my friend Waleed's blog, who appeared to be there, oo VIP kaman :D

Friday, March 2, 2007

إنك لا تهدي من أحببت ، ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء

لا أدري من أين أبدأ و أين أنتهي

يؤرقني دائما التفكير فيمن أحب

أنظر إلى والدي فأرى فيه الإنسان اللّي لطالما كان "و سيبقى"بالنسبة لي ، أحسن رجل في العالم

لم أهتم يوما لأن أغير أحدا
لأنني على قناعة تامة بأن لكل شخص حرية الاختيار

لكن عندما يصبح الأمر داخل دائرة من أحب، أقف حائرة أتمنى لو أن بيدي شيئا أستطيع فعله

كل ما أملكه هو دعائي و دموعي

يااااا رب

Thursday, March 1, 2007

My Confused Life

Every night before i sleep , I say to myself :"come on manal, u have to make some change in your life" . I get very anxious about it and I start planning for the next day; the things that need to be changed , the things that've been missing in my life for sooooo long.

I wake up LATE the next morning. Feeling down and sleepy. It takes me more than half an hour to get up from my bed. And the hours go by; without me doing anything useful.

Whenever I'm with friends,they start talking about their lives. Most of them are married with kids. Although it really bores me, but I can feel the happiness in their voice tones! They live for a reason. But me? Huh I have no clue!

Whenever I get depressed I start looking for the bright sides in my life! I am doing my MBA , I have a great family, Mom and Dad are out of this world. They are the best parents that anyone could ever have!I have 4 wonderful Brothers with lots of nephews and nieces. I am surrounded by people who loves me! Great friends whom I wouldn't trade with the world.

BUT, I just can't feel happiness.. is it بطر? I don't think it is..

Sometimes when I feel down I remember the saying : "في القلب فراغ لا يملأه إلا الله". Is that the reason for all what I am getting through! I do pray and do my religious chores.. But is that enough? I sometimes feel that I am spiritually poor.

Eh! I never had the talent to write; and of course it shows! I just cant get my thoughts together! I just wanted to let things off my chest!! wishing that it makes me feel a little bit better!! I hope it did!

Last Tag

oo mesh mjawbeh b3d haik 5alas kafaha Allah :D

I've been re-tagged by Hala

1. My name:


2. Where did we meet?:


3. How well do you know me (a lot, not so much, not at all)?:

Good enough i guess.

4. When you first knew me what was your first impression?:

I thought that u only speak english :P

5. Am I shy or outgoing?:


6. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?:

You follow the rules

7. Do you consider me a friend?:


8. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?:


9. What song(if any)reminds you of me?:

Fairuz's songs

10. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?:

Hmmm not really

11. A feature that you like about me:

You can express youself

12. A feature that you dislike about me:

it's not a feature, but i feel that you're Mysterious.

13. If you could give me anything, what would it be?:

I'd give you a 2 months visit to Jordan every year ;)

14. If we spent a day together…..where would we go and what would we do?:

We'd go to a Fairuz concert

15. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?:


16. What word do I say all the time?:

I really dont notice these things hehe

17. which of the posts I posted on my blog do you like the most?:

Cheer Up

18. which of the posts I posted on my blog do you like the least?:

Cold Stone Creamery l2no shahhaiteeny :(

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I've been tagged by Waleed and Hazem
1. My name:


2. Where did we meet?:


3. How well do you know me (a lot, not so much, not at all)?:

A lot (i guess)

4. When you first knew me what was your first impression?

It was a looooong time, that i really cant remeber :D

5. Am I shy or outgoing?


6. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?:

A mix of the two

7. Do you consider me a friend?:

I do, and a little bro too.

8. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?

Zither tab3an

9. What song(if any)reminds you of me?

Nth in my mind

10. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?

Hmmm Not really

11. A feature that you like about me:

You can always cheer me up

12. A feature that you dislike about me:

Your unconditional love to siemens :@

13. If you could give me anything, what would it be?

lifetime membership with siemens :D

14. If we spent a day together…..where would we go and what would we do?

We'd go out with dandoon

15. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?

Smart (seriously ana mu3jabeh b thaka2ak :D )

16. What word do I say all the time?

Basboos (bte7keehash kteer bas betzakkerny feek )

17. which of the posts I posted on my blog do you like the most?

The one with the snow pix (btw why dont u put titles?)

18. which of the posts I posted on my blog do you like the least?

None sara7a.

before i start answering i wanna ask u sth : " what the hell were u thinking when u tagged me :smiley ba6no maghaso men el do7ok: ?"

Here we go :
1. My name:


2. Where did we meet?:


3. How well do you know me (a lot, not so much, not at all)?:

Not at all

4. When you first knew me what was your first impression?


5. Am I shy or outgoing?

I only saw u once, and i think ur shy!! i might be wrong

6. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?:

I have no Idea

7. Do you consider me a friend?:

:shy: no, bas el ayyam jay :P

8. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?


9. What song(if any)reminds you of me?

Mazda's ads "zoom zoom zoom, zoomzoomzoom zooom "

10. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?

La3 :p

11. A feature that you like about me:


12. A feature that you dislike about me:


13. If you could give me anything, what would it be?

Bardo pass

14. If we spent a day together…..where would we go and what would we do?

Pass again

15. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?

My Friends' Friend.

16. What word do I say all the time?

How would i know!

17. which of the posts I posted on my blog do you like the most?

الفن الهابط

18. which of the posts I posted on my blog do you like the least?

Taba3 el tad5een but i cant find it!!

Hazem, you're Tagged :evil laugh: lanshoof sho betkla3 m3k ;)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Quran Flash

This is a great site which was made my an engineer "Ayman Abdul-Rahman" . You can read the whole Quraan as if you are holding it with your hands. A very great idea indeed. Just drag the page and it will turn over. You can find it at .

Abdul Wahab in Jazz

I never really liked Jazz , and Abdul Wahab's music was never my fav. But today i found out that mixing these two types of music is just amazing.
I enjoyed every single minute. It was an amazing concert where everyone were either singing along, or tapping with their feet.
Another thing impressed me, the singer: DR. Ayman Tayseer, a sweet musician whom i took a course with in my BA. I saw another side of this amazing person. I've always liked him, but i never knew I'd like him this much :D . He has a great warm voice, and indeed great music.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Blogging 101

I wasn't really sure if I should start blogging or not! I don't see myself as a Blogger as much as a Blabber. But my friend (two weeks ago, I know I know bakkir 3alai) asked me to make a blog. So here I am.
Hope I'll be Blogging very soon. As soon as i start doing something people regret he day I did hehehe.
That's for today I guess.