Monday, July 16, 2007

In love with cars

Cars are my passion, I just love them. I enjoy talking about them, reading about them, driving them, even looking at them. I can spend hours and hours discussing cars issues and I never get bored. My biggest joy was when I wanted to buy a car and went looking for one, I had to go alone at the end coz all my friends got really boerd and refused to go with me. It's in my blood. I loooove cars, I just wish they were a little bit cheaper so I can get dozens on my birthday :D.


Waleed Khamis said...

hehe 3a fekra ma konet a3raf 3annek haik :)
bs glad to know ya im mercedes ;)!

Manal O. said...

wak Waleed r u serious or u r being sarcastic?

dreaming_hope said...

i`m totaly agree with u waleed. car world is fantastic. i do like cars just like u but, the different is i haven`t 1& i`m dieing 2 have. having a car is the dream of my life.